Podcast - Part 1: Practical Anti-Aging Tips
As we get older our bodies undergo metabolic, hormonal and compositional changes that aren't always positive to our health and wellbeing.
But the good news is, we can have a big say in the impact of these changes and we can even slow down their effects in order to look and feel our best for longer.
In this episode, I discuss the practical, natural ways to slow the aging process. This is part 1 of a 2 part audio blog (part 2 I’ll share next week). Enjoy…
Obviously, anti-aging is big business because it primarily targets one of the largest generations on earth of course, which are the “baby boomers “ born between 1946 and 1964 (aged between 60 and 78 years old).
But most of the industrial solutions offered are either invasive, expensive or both…and come with an element of risk.
So, I’m not here to talk about nor the invasive and expensive options - surgeries, treatments, miracle supplements or injectables.
What I want to share with you are the natural, holisitic solutions that will stack the odds in your favour when it comes to slowing the aging process so you can lead a better, more energetic and happy life for longer.
1. Reduce Your Toxic Load –
This is critical because it addresses the number 1 cause of dis-ease and dysfunction in the human body which is Toxicity.
And even though toxicity can be both physical and emotional, the two primary areas I want to touch on here are in terms of what you put ON and IN your body. In other words, the personal care and cosmetic products you use which contain hidden toxic chemicals which are easily absorbed through the skin into your blood stream AND; toxicity in terms of the vast array of foods that contain chemical additives and preservatives.
When it comes to your health, wellness, resistance to dis-ease, your longevity and your lifespan, you need to pay attention to the toxic load you are exposing your body to on a daily basis. And what’s crazy about this, is that most people have very little consciousness around this, particularly when it comes to the personal care products they use – the soaps, the deodorants, the toothpastes, the shampoos and conditioners, the fragrances and cosmetics.
All of these things add up to a toxic cocktail of chemicals that will destroy your endocrines system, your hormones, your immunity the longer you continue to use them. And this is why we’ve seen a big shift in recent years to things like plant-based cosmetics, essential oils, chemical-free hair and oral care products.
So my question for you is this…
Are you conscious of the products you’re using on your body on a daily basis? How long has it been since you’ve checked the ingredients? And what simple changes can you make that will reduce your exposure to toxic chemicals every day.
Personally, I keep things simple (and so does my wife for that matter). I use an aluminium-free roll on deodorant from Noosa Basics, Cedarwood, Frankincense or Balance essential oils for fragrance, a fluoride-free natural toothpaste and raw coconut oil as a daily moisturiser.
My point is, your personal care routine should be simple, minimalistic and free of unnecessary chemicals to help preserve your youth.
2. Pay Attention To Your Daily Water Intake -
Your body and brain are made up of around 75% water and it needs to be replenished regularly for health body and brain function and to ensure the efficient flow and release of waste and toxins from the body.
Most health institutions recommend that people drink a minimum of 2 litres of water per day, which is about 8 glasses of water.
2 litres also represents the approximate weight of the brain which really should be replenished every 24 hours to maintain healthy cognitive function. So again, 2 litres is an absolute minimum, but it’s a good daily target to shoot for as a base – drink more if you can, and particularly if you exercise (as you should)
People who don’t drink enough water every day are setting themselves up for cognitive decline – diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s, digestive disfunction and chronic fatigue issues. All of which are accelerated once you reach your middle stages of life.
3. Ensure You Get The Right Amount Of Sleep –
The quality and consistency of your sleep has a big say in your ability to rejuvenate, maintain healthy body function and slow the aging process.
Also, without enough sleep, your body’s immune system is weakened, which can impact the amount of and strength of collagen the body produces, which accelerates wrinkles and fine lines – an obvious sign of aging.
So, you need to get enough good sleep every night. Interestingly, Don Tolman used to share how sleep was not a principle of health per se, but rather a ‘gift’ or ‘reward’ that the body receives for following and embracing the principles of self care and health consistently. In other words, when you take good care of your body, by avoiding toxicity and giving it what it needs in terms of exposure to exercise, natural sunlight, fresh air etc etc…you body will want to reward you with the greatest gift, which is sleep.
You should aim for 8 hours sleep per night to, which ties into the natural circadian rhythm sleep/wake and rest/digest cycles of the body to maintain strong immunity, healthy metabolic function, regulate your energy, body weight etc.
Getting 8 hours of sleep consistently is a function of your pre-bedtime routine – in other words, try to go to bed at roughly the same time every night, stop eating 2 hours before bed, turn off the electronics 1 hour before bed and get your bedroom prepared for rest.
4. You Must Embrace Functional Movement & Strength Training –
One of the keys to slowing the aging process, is maintaining your physical fitness, mobility and strength.
In fact, longevity expert Dr. Peter Attia refers to functional exercise as the #1 longevity drug that exists because of the impact it has on muscle maintenance, heart health, stamina, insulin sensitivity, metabolic function, hormonal balance and mental/emotional health and wellbeing.
Functional movement incorporates basic strength movements or exercise that mimic or are extremely beneficial to simple movement patterns you take for granted – which can easily leave you as you age. For example, maintaining your balance, cushioning a fall, lifting something above your head on shelf, moving a piece of furniture, pushing a lawn mower, placing a suitcase into a boot, hiking up a hill etc. These types of tasks and activities are made way simpler when you’re able to maintain your mobility and strength.
So functional movement and exercise is very important when it comes to slowing the aging process. And the good news is, it doesn’t need to be complicated but you do need to create some basic structure and consciousness around your approach to weekly exercise if you want to get the most bang for your buck in terms of anti-aging.
The simplest way to approach this is to use daily brisk walking as your foundation – 7,000 -10,000 steps (60-90 minute walk) and add basic compound strength exercises with body weight or weights daily for 10-15 minutes, or 3 times per week for 20-30 minutes.
Think squats, lunges, push ups, overhead presses, bent over rows, standing on one leg and a little core work such as plank – do 2-3 of these exercises per session as an alternating circuit. Your approach to functional movement can be scaled up or down depending on your age, level of fitness and goals, but my main point is do not neglect functional movement and strength training if you want to maintain your mobility as you age. Also, it does not have to be weight training, you can choose other forms of resistance exercise such as pilates, bands or even swimming etc.
I hope you got value from Part 1 of this discussion about how to slow the process of aging naturally. I look forward to sharing the the final 3 tips in Part 2 next week!
Thanks for reading…