Podcast - Consistency Is Key To Health & Success

Whatever your health or life goals may be, the secret to long term success comes down to one word - consistency.

  • Consistency in your approach to real food nutrition

  • Consistency in your approach to daily exercise

  • Consistency in terms of your sleep patterns

  • Consistency in terms of your morning routine etc.

So, if you’re not at your best physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually, chances are you’re not consistently following a path that serves you that you know you should.

So let’s explore, why consistency is so important…

Consistency is a by-product of simplicity.

Because simplicity is what makes everything easy to follow regularly, making the path sustainable.

In terms of your health and wellness, when you’re not consistent with a robust daily routine, it is usually the reason why you end up:

  • Feeling fatigued and run down

  • Succumbing to doctors visits and unnecessary medications

  • Falling into the trap of taking expensive synthetic supplements

  • Gaining unwanted weight or being out of shape

  • Not feeling healthy and happy within yourself etc.

So, what if the solution to all of that is simply consistency? 


Finding a path that works for you (not anyone else), choosing some basic lifestyle principles that you’re going to live by, and walking that path consistently!


And even if you don’t notice the benefits in the short term, you have to realise that there is a cumulative or compounding beneficial effect when you stick to your path consistently over the long haul. 


Zoom out and look at the big picture and have a vision for where you want yourself to be in your mind and body 1 year, 5 years and 10 years from now. Just know within yourself that when you make those small daily deposits in your wellness bank consistently, you are paying it forward and will set yourself up to reap the rewards the longer you do the little things right each day.

And for me, this is really the key to long term health and success.

I hope you got value from today’s short message. 

Thanks for reading…



Podcast - Part 1: Practical Anti-Aging Tips


Podcast - What Really is Self Care?