Podcast - Part 2: Practical Anti-Aging Tips

Below is part 2 of my audio re practical tips for anti-aging and slowing the aging process!  You can tune into part 1 in my previous blog episode. BTW, the audio is always better than the copy because I go off on tangents and add more value! :)

5.        Prioritise Protein and Fibre


One of the keys to slowing the process of aging is to ensure you’re getting the right amount of quality protein for muscle maintenance and strength and fibre for healthy digestion in your daily diet.


When it comes to fibre, simply eat something green everyday – a green smoothie, a green raw juice, a leafy green salad or a bowl of steamed vege greens. Obviously, you’ll get additional fibre from fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains, but I find the ‘daily green’ rule is a great mindset to have around nailing your daily fibre intake.

In terms of protein, if you have no limitations in terms of your belief systems around animal protein, in addition to your plant sources, you’ll have access to organic, pasture – raised eggs and dairy products and grass-fed meats.


If you’re vegan, you’ll be focussed on ensuring you’re getting enough quality plant sources, organic tofu, tempeh, lentils, beans, nutritional yeast etc. which also contain plenty of fibre as well.


In terms of protein per day, most experts agree that ideally you should aim for  2grams of protein per day per kilo of target or ideal body weight.  So if you weigh 60 kilos, you should aim for 120 grams of protein per day.  This is where protein powders can be your absolute best friend in achieving your daily protein intake – and I’m a big fan of quality versions of these both grass-fed whey and also pea-based vegan versions.


6.        Reduce Stress


It is well known in medical circles that there is a direct relationship between stress and aging. 


And interestingly in terms of longevity, if you’ve watched or read the book by Dan Buettner on “The Blue Zones” which tracks the lifestyles of the longest lived cultures on earth, you’ll notice that low levels of stress are a hallmark of these people – physical stress, mental stress and environmental stress.


Also, chronic stress is associated with shorter telomeres, or protective “caps” at the cellular level which are meant to protect from free-radicals – so the more stress, the less protection to the cells, which means faster free-radical damage and faster aging.


So, do what you can to practice self care and to minimise your levels of stress.  Whether it be a little daily breath work, meditation, grounding in nature, hot/cold contrast therapy, weekly massage, or a warm salt bath at the end of the day, you have access to tools that will help you to moderate and balance your levels of stress – so use and tap into these tools.


7.        Passion


Passion is what gives you electric force, a zest for life and a will to live, which is vital for slowing the process of aging.


Passion is a compound word – passing of ions.  Meaning the flow of electric frequency or force within the body, that makes you feel alive.


Passion comes in different forms too.


It comes in the form of a passionate, connected, intimate relationship…but it can also come in the form of the things you spend time doing that lift you up, bring you joy and a sense of purpose and fulfilment.


It is well known that people who are able to maintain their sense of playfulness and adventure, live the longest.  And in fact, research has been done on bears in the wilderness who play their entire lives and live the longest to prove the link between playfulness, adventure and longevity.


Find your passion and practice it often.  For me, it’s hiking and mountain biking in the forest – it connects me each week with nature and the elements and it gives me an enormous sense of fulfilment, joy, perspective and self worth.


You choose what it is for you – just give yourself permission to make time each week or regularly to immerse yourself in it – whether it be music, writing, reading, riding, surfing or cooking…your passion can add enormous value and quality, happy, fulfilling, quality years to your life!


So, just to recap… if you asked me for the secrets to maintain my youth, lifespan (vitality) and zest for life I’d tell you these 7 things:

  1. Reduce your toxic load

  2. Drink the right amount of water each day

  3. Get quality sleep each night

  4. Walk daily & add functional strength training at least 3 times per week

  5. Prioritise protein and fibre in your diet

  6. Reduce stress and;

  7. Make time for your passions.


I hope you got value from today’s blog.  Until next time, stay strong and live well!



Podcast - Is Your Morning Routine Serving You?


Podcast - Part 1: Practical Anti-Aging Tips