Each new year is always an opportunity for a fresh start.
There is something about the closure of a calendar year and the beginning of a new one that encourages us to reflect on the year that was to assess the good and the bad and to channel our energy towards growth and improvement.
So this means if you want positive change in your life you need to be the instigator of that change, which means you need to create the action.
And so, if you’re looking to make improvements in any area of your life in 2025 here I want to share 7 highlights, tips or insights that I believe are the most important.
1. Invest in yourself first
As human beings we are wired for growth. When we stop growing a part of us dies. So no matter what your stage of life you’re in, one of the keys to having a great life is to continue growing, which means you need to invest in your learning.
You need to invest time expanding your knowledge, rewiring your brain, becoming more self aware. Whether its reading a book a week, listening to an inspirational or educational podcast a day, or engaging in some form of personal development training or course, or even learning a new skill, I firmly believe the genesis of change and having an outstanding life starts with continually investing in yourself
2. Control your environment
Whether it be your social circle or your professional life, behavioural scientists know that we become the sum total of our 5 closest friends or associates.
In other words, the environment you expose yourself to on a daily basis really matters if you want to have a great life so this is something you need to take charge of if you know it’s not serving you.
We draw inspiration from different areas, but one things for certain if you’re in an environment that is negative, discouraging, that judges you or that drains you, you need to do whatever you can to change that environment.
3. Set a goal of personal challenge
Goals and challenges give you purpose and direction. They like a magnet that pulls you from where you are now to where you want to go. And goals and challenges also give you something to strive for and a send of self fulfilment and self achievement.
For example, if you want to get fit but you don’t set mini targets such as the a certain number of training sessions per week or a certain number of kilos you want to lose it’s very easy to quit.
The same is true in your financial life - pay off a bucket of debt. Make that your goal. Generate a certain amount of income. Add $20, $50 or 100k to your investment portfolio.
Set yourself a personal physical challenge - a 10K fun run or an event to train for. Your mind loves goals and challenges, so set a goal or two for 2025 and get to work on going after them.
4. Prioritise your health
Cut out processed food, cut down or eliminate alcohol (set some rules around that), stick to a whole food diet (fresh in season organic produce, grass fed organic meats and animal products), minimise refined grains drink plenty of water.
Exercise - get up early and move your body. 150 minutes per week of moderate cardiovascular exercise, brisk walking, cycling, swimming or interval training (5 x 30 minutes) + at least 2 x full body strength training sessions per week. Make this your baseline.
Incorporate some recovery and self care modalities in there as well - Breathwork, saunas, contrast therapy, yoga, nature walks, massage, Chinese medicine, osteopathic
5. Take stock of your finances
Become future focussed with your money. Think about your trajectory financially, where you are now and where you need to be to retire comfortably.
This is not something you can just hope will be ok…the world around us is changing in the financial system making it harder to guarantee a comfortable retirement or standard of living.
This means you need to take stock of your income, your investments and your retirement / superannuation nest egg account - and you need to take control of this if you’re not already comfortably retired or on track for that.
Personally, I believe in self managing your super, I believe in debt-free real estate and I believe in decentralised hedge assets that are outside the financial banking system- an allocation to gold, silver and the hardest form of money man has ever created, Bitcoin.
Now is not the time to take your finances lightly, get out of consumer debt as fast as you can and begin plotting a plan to become financially free starting in 2025.
6. Have Gratitude
We all go through periods where we feel let down, cheated or unfairly treated or where we are comparing ourselves to the success of others. It’s in these moments, where its important to take stock of everything you have to and to express a sense of gratitude. There will always be someone better off than you and worse off than you. So, just spend your energy being grateful for what you have, all that’s good in your world and that is one of the secrets to ongoing life success and happiness.
7. Commit to Progress no matter how small
Progress in life = happiness.
When we are moving forward to a better place physically, mentally and emotionally and we have that inner knowing, that inner energy it gives us a sense of self worth, self love and self fulfilment.
Whatever are of life you want to improve this year, set some simple targets, simple goals and go after them. Whether it be hitting that 8,000 steps per day in your exercise routine, paying $50-100K off your mortgage or committing to a dinner date once a fortnight with your significant other …commit and progress and you’ll feel that sense of accomplishment.
Thanks for reading!